Blogging with Hugo

Cosette in ‘Les Misérables’ by Victor Hugo. The Hugo framework in Go is simple, fast, and up-to-date (and used here) Why? Three reasons to use PaperMod and Hugo: It makes producing a blog about as simple as it gets. You use markup called markdown, designed for simplicity and web output. What is markup? It’s writing **bold** to get bold. See cheatsheet. Edits result in instant changes locally....

May 29, 2023 · 7 min · Craig Fisk

Outbound and Inbound (Digital) Marketing

Outbound marketing is communicating to would-be customers; inbound (digital) marketing is enabling them to connect with you. In outbound marketing, you look for the right customers; in inbound (digital marketing), you enable the right customers to find you. What are the characteristics of each, and when are they a good way to run a business? For outbound marketing, you think of collateral, sales training, demos, traditional advertising, sales funnels, CRM (customer relationship management) systems....

April 28, 2023 · 3 min · Craig Fisk

Digital Transformation, 1: Pricing and Positioning

Excited about digital transformation? What about price and position? Is there anything more basic in business than price and position? Digital transformation changes your customer’s perception of how you price (as well as your price). It also changes your market positioning. A company may well launch into digital transformation in order to deal with supply chain problems and to reduce costs. But it would be best to start with value by evaluating price and position, because that is always going to be at the core of any digital transformation....

March 16, 2023 · 3 min · Craig Fisk

Bias in Gig Platforms

Freelancers are multiculturals who do not want to be pigeon-holed. At Marmalade AI, a pre-seed startup, our basic idea was to create a virtual network. Why? Well, our watch word is to be “accurate, automatic, and appropriate.” Notice that does not include whether you actually know the person or not. That’s the old model. In the virtual approach, it’s not who you know anymore. When we set out to model tech freelancers (especially tech freelancers), one thing that quickly became apparent was that a person’s work and education background were sort of irrelevant....

January 14, 2023 · 2 min · Craig Fisk

How to set up Firebase Emulators

Using Firebase Emulators to mirror development on your local system: free, fast. Firebase Emulators sound like a great idea. Run an extract of your cloud environment on localhost, Avoid expensive accidents in the cloud. Be fast. The reality, hoever, is that there are a lot of little problems to deal with. Let’s assume you already have gcloud set up, and have a Firebase project named dev-test with authentication, a Firestore database, Storage, and security rules for both of the latter....

December 11, 2022 · 3 min · Craig Fisk